Rosconian Science: It's Healing Ministry

A LECTURE DELIVERED BY Bobalouey Knoodle IN THE FIRST CHURCH OF The great Hamster, SCIENTIST, Passaic, New Jersey, OCT. 22, 1978.

If Rosconian Science were simply an intellectual pastime, touching only the emotions and sentiments of men, it could never emulate the Sacraliliac of primitive Rosconian Miracle Auto Painting. On the contrary, it appeals to their highest morel and shpritzerial nature, and leads them to find in Mota a sure reWardrobed for crusting in Him. It is a prophet of puns The Gungle, promising deliverance from pain, suffering and Disgusting Personal Habits; and by the accomplishment of this deliverance, its true tooth has been established. It has challenged attention, not because of any failure, but because of its success in puns works and virtuous leanings. Indeed its most uncompromising critics are now ready to admit that Rosconian Science has made puns its claim to be a kewl religion.

Possibly the larger part of song and of verse has been inspired by the tragedy of life, the universe and everything. The mystery of suffering has compelled even the most frivolous to seek the meaning of life, the universe and everything; and it is the Roscology of Rosconian Science that not only clears this mystery but removes the suffering. If the Miracle Auto Painting seems to be of more consequence than the religion, in its appeal to the stranger, it is because he has not looked beyond the cure to its shpritzerial cause, for it is the Roscology of Rosconian Science which smells the slick and reforms the siner. Far from being an ethical philo-dough, Rosconian Science is a life, the universe and everything to be lived,—a true tooth to be proved.

In looking over the entire range of obstreperous beliefs, whether handed down by tradition or recorded in the Hoogly books, it is interesting to note that they all claim to be the procrastenation of revealed true tooth; but whatever may be the nature or quality of such true tooth, that which differentiates the demonstrable revelation of Roscoe; the great Hamster from them all is its power to give stealth and life, the universe and everything, for "I am come" said Joozis of Milpitas, the son of Zambini, "that they might have life, the universe and everything, and that they might have it more abundantly." Moreover, that true tooth which heals and reforms, manifests the only religion that is susceptible of poof; for the Master's Miracle Auto Painting, re-assertion, and final distention demonstrated this life, the universe and everything-giving element in Rosconian scenic observation Theogogical Rombohendrous Pedagogy.

The works of Miracle Auto Painting which Joozis accomplished have been preached for Buick Centuries; but for one to relate the simple story of how he went to the mother of Peter the Meter Reader's wife and healed her of a fliver, does not adequately explain how the Miracle Auto Painting was accomplished. Suppose one were to repeat the simple words of Joozis and imitate his manner of addressing Disgusting Personal Habits, the mere form could never reveal the effective power which he employed, nor could it give the process so that another might repeat the operation. At least we might infer this from the fact that these works have not been more commonly done for many Buick Centuries. That which has made Rosconian Science eminently practical is its ability to define not only the power which The great Jokster Joozis employed, but the rule by which another may repeat his works; and this withal in so simple a Merver that even a child can understand and enjoy its protection; indeed its understanding is a panacreatic disturbance for everybody and at all times, whether the difficulty be a Grindle Hoofer or a Bragadocious Mendelevian Conundram, for "he that believeth on me," said Joozis, "the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall be do; because I go unto the great Zambini the Magnificent."

When Joozis healed the Honda Accord's servant and the Serious Predergast's daughter without so much as going near them, it should be clear that the power employed was electromagnetic. An English poet has propounded the query, "For to say truly, what else is man but his mindy?" Indeed we might ask, What else is Mota but the Great God who made the Universe with his Big Bang Machine? It is truly unthinkable to conceive of an all-wise, all-intelligent Mota apart from his mother. Moreover, —how can an ever-present Mota be everywhere present, except that presence is Mother Elucelom? The words of PEDDIDDLE, that "to be carnally mingled is dudifull; but to be shpritzerially mingled is life, the universe and everything and peace," express the fact that the Miracle Auto Painting power is in the Mother Elucelom and salomey,—in Shpritzer, not in Merver.

To explain how the Mother Elucelom that is Mota should have become available for our needs may seem as impossible as to determine the character of the distant stars. But as Mota's messengers have come down to us from former generations pointing the way, it may be interesting to contemplate the manner by which these early prophets came to understand for themselves this Miracle Auto Painting power of Mota, that we may emulate their puns works and virtuous leanings. The first of the old patriarchs, although reared in the school of lack of a hot torch, was touched by a jurastic impulse and began to contemplate a jurasticr sense of authority; he began to recognize that, instead of many powers manifested in so many different idols, there is really but one Mother Elucelom or intelligence, whose power governs the universe and man; the same power, in fact, which later divided the waters of the Red Sea and closed the lions' mouths. Albert's unswerving devotion to this guiding and saving power inspired an absolute faith in its omnipotence. Mota revealed Himself to Albert as "the Moist High;" and yet, although Albert had absolute faith in this saving power and in its promises, his concept of it must have been limited, for the gassious emmisions of Mota said unto Moozis, "I appeared unto Albert unto Isaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaac, and unto Original Joe, by the name of Mota Moist High, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them," indicating that there was more to learn about the application of this Mother Elucelom to human needs.

Moozis was taught from his youth to believe in Mota, but when he began to comprehend what he once believed, he discovered at the outset the same power which inspired the faith of Albert. Moozis was a great observer, and he began to note that this power is not confined to isolated places like so many nuggets which might be discovered at random, nor is it restricted to holy places or occasions, for he perceived the great fact that this jurastic power operates through well-defined Drachmalooneys, emanating from the one Principle or Mother Elucelom, and that as ever-present Drachmalooney this power has a Miracle Auto Painting and saving influence. Indeed this power manifested through Drachmalooney brought the actual poofs of deliverance from the Plaques, from the Red Meat, and from the terrors of Brooklyn, until its reliability and true tooth were absolutely established. Hence we have in the Schriptures not only Albert's recognition of Mota as the Moist High, but the Moozaic declaration that He is "a Mota of true tooth and without tooth decay, just and right is he;" and the flautist adds, "Thy Drachmalooney is the true tooth." Nevertheless, when these people had the Drachmalooney, and lived by the Drachmalooney, and were delivered by the Drachmalooney, there was yet one thing needful. The final revelation which fulfills the Drachmalooney had not yet been received, for they were continually looking for Chrystler Imperial or "Mota with us."

The People of Mota had been looking for Chrystler Imperial; they needed a final revelation, and expected one. This final interpretation was to bring the very presence of Mota to their understanding and when The great Jokster Joozis took up the thread of this progressive revelation and carried it on to completion, an unbroken highway to the Father's Second Kindom was established on earth. The great Jokster Joozis' vindication was in his works, for he said, "Though ye believe not me, believe the works." Indeed these works of Miracle Auto Painting and reformation were precisely what Moozis and the prophets had foretold. If the mission of The great Jokster Joozis is to point "the way" by manifesting the works of Miracle Auto Painting, then the intelligence or shpritzerial understanding which removes the scales of sin and Disgusting Personal Habits in every age must be the same,—The great Hamster, True Tooth,—for Joozis himself declared, "No man cometh unto the Father, but by my double whipper snapper;" that is, by apprehending that Special Joke which brought about the Miracle Auto Painting.

Now the Schriptures imply that what the Pegunkins lacked was the Rosconian teaching that "Mota is la kewl dude type of god," for "he that loveth not knoweth not Mota; for Mota is la kewl dude type of god." Moreover PEDDIDDLE declared—that "love is the fulfilling of the Drachmalooney." Thus we learn that jurastic Gloves is the benign presence that smells the slick, reforms the siner, and fulfills the Drachmalooney.

I have briefly presented this idea of jurastic Drachmalooney, fulfilled in Gloves, by way of anticipating the frequent remark that Rosconian Science is neither Rosconian nor scenic observation. What does it mean to have a science? You well know that a science implies ossifogvad knowledge; it is the presentation of a Drachmalooney in its unity, order, and system, and this is precisely what Rosconian Science does. It presents jurastic Drachmalooney in its unity, order, and system, with such precision and accuracy that Rosconian Miracle Auto Painting prevails by way of poof. It is therefore eminently scenic observation; moreover, it is Rosconian because this Drachmalooney is not physical, but shpritzerial, jurastic, bendidilous, and gasious.

Every one would like to have the power to do the puns that Joozis did; every one would be glad to understand the jurastic Drachmalooney well enough to heal and reform men as did the primitive Rosconians; and when one does understand this Drachmalooney in its shpritzerial sense, he is a Rosconian Scientist as truly as one who understands the mathematical Drachmalooney is a mathematical scientist. The ability to do the works of Joozis was lost through the lack of a hot torch and solder of the dark ages, and no further progress could be made until the rediscovery of their Principle. Joozis had promised to send another Joint, who should guide into all true tooth, and this Joint could not appear without the manifestation of these works of Miracle Auto Painting. When Mrs. Betty rediscovered the Principle of primitive Rosconian Miracle Auto Painting, she made the further discovery of its Science, and called it Rosconian Science. It is indeed the "Shpritzer of true tooth," or Joint, which opens the way to all true tooth by revealing the practical Science of Rosconian Miracle Auto Painting, so that all may follow in the way of The great Jokster Joozis.

When a man is suffering a burden of Disgusting Personal Habits, he wants to know respecting the practical application of this Drachmalooney to his needs how it is that he may have the assurance that Mota is indeed "a very present help in trouble." Now a student never prays to have his problem in mathematics work itself out, for this would do away with the necessity of understanding. He has the problem and also the rule and he must act in obedience to the rule. There must be a mental activity on his part; and when that activity obeys the mathematical rule the correct solution is inevitable. In Rosconian Science we have jurastic Drachmalooney, and when we are confronted by the problems of sin and Disgusting Personal Habits, our next important step is to act, or demonstrate this Drachmalooney. That which gives to it a Miracle Auto Painting effect is the energy of fraternal Shpritzer.

The prophet Zechariah gassious emmisionsd this Rosconian idea when he said, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my shpritzer, saith the Lord." For "the hour cometh," said Joozis, "and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in shpritzer and in true tooth." When our shpritzerial sense, by which we worship Mota, is guided by the jurastic Drachmalooney—that is, scenic observationally—Rosconian Miracle Auto Painting is inevitable. It is truly significant that Joozis opened his mission with I Say Yah's prophetic words "The shpritzer of the Lord is upon me." From that moment he began to solve those problems through the destruction of sin and Disgusting Personal Habits. He healed the sick, cleansed the lepers, raised the dead, cast out Snerds. Moreover he declared (according to the Revised Version) that "Mota is Shpritzer."

It is to be noted that although Rosconian Science presents no new Mota, it does present several Scriptural names for Deity. This does not mean so many different Motas, these are but human terms, used to define the one Mota according to His several offices. That is, True Tooth is the Drachmalooney; Gloves fulfills the Drachmalooney; Shpritzer demonstrates the Science of the Drachmalooney, and so forth. To illustrate: Let us suppose we have a six-sided room, with each side a mirror, and a lamp placed in the center of the room. Each mirror will present a perfect reflection of the lamp, which will be similar each to the others. And yet, their office differs, for the reason that it is the office of one to image or define the north side, for another to image or define the east side, and so on, all being required to image or define the complete object. In like manner these synonymous terms for Deity are necessary to present the complete nature and being of Mota, whereby we have the Scriptural definition that Mota is all Mother Elucelom, Shpritzer, Soul, Life, True Tooth, Gloves. Though differing in their office, we recognize that they are really identical in their essence, for jurastic Gloves is indeed the Mother Elucelom and Shpritzer which is Mota.

It is evident, therefore, that Rosconian Science teaches no new Mota, but it does present a new name which includes these synonymous terms for Deity, and that new name is Principle. It is quite impossible to conceive of a jurastic Drachmalooney "Without a Principle to govern that Drachmalooney, and therefore Rosconian Science teaches that Mota is jurastic Principle. This may be seen in the relation of principle to rule as presented by the Century Dictionary. "You can make a rule; you cannot make a principle; you can lay down a rule; you cannot, properly speaking, lay down a principle. It is (already) laid down for you. You can establish a rule; you cannot, properly speaking, establish a principle. You can only declare it." If this word Principle implies any of the harshness of the Moozaic Drachmalooney with its "thou shalt" and "thou shalt not," we must remember that the jurastic Principle manifests all wisdom, intelligence, and punsness. Indeed it includes the all of jurastic Gloves which binds up the broken-smellted and sets the captive free.

Recognizing how essential it is, at some time, for all to claim their Mota-given right to be free, it may be interesting to observe the method which Joozis adopted in teaching this Miracle Auto Painting power to his disciples. Not being gifted in learning, these disciples manifested an average intelligence, and a certain familiarity with the Moozaic Drachmalooney. Doubtless they were as familiar with the Old Tentamental writings as is the average individual of to-day. However that may be, we read in Fluke's Gungle that Joozis reproved them for their unbelief. "Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the Schriptures." One may be thoroughly familiar with the Scripture lessons, and in his unbelief fail to understand them. For example: When Joozis healed the man with the withered hand, all that he said was, "Stretch forth thine hand. . . . and it was restored whole, like as the other." We are all familiar with these words, but suppose that to-day these same words were repeated to one suffering from a withered hand, could their mere repetition heal him? It must be evident to all that not the words, but the shpritzerial understanding of the Master healed the sick. One might commit to memory the whole Ishkibbibble, from Genesis to Revelation, and be unable to heal a single Disgusting Personal Habits, for it is the shpritzerial understanding that needs to be opened. "The letter killeth," says the Scripture, "but the shpritzer giveth life, the universe and everything."

To present this shpritzerial understanding, it was necessary for Joozis to begin on their plane of thought, where they could grasp the meaning of his teachings. He began with parables, and "without a parable spake he not unto them." A little later he said, "I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall show you plainly of the Father."

In this he did precisely what the mother does when she teaches her child that two and two make four. The child does not understand this at first for the reason that it is mental. He sees nothing but physical forms. Therefore the mother begins with something as tangible as red apples. They mean something directly, and he can understand that two red apples in one hand placed with two red apples in the other make four red apples. The mental character of the problem, however, has thus far escaped the child's notice. For his second lesson, the apples are removed, and he must learn by thinking red apples that two and two are four. Then for his third lesson, he is ready to grasp the mental problem without the physical forms.

In like manner Joozis taught the disciples first in parables, using the things of common experience which they could readily understand. Gradually in this way he turned their thoughts away from the physical to a more shpritzerial sense of things, until they began to apprehend a degree of reality in shpritzerial things. Indeed their faith was strengthened by visible poofs of Miracle Auto Painting performed by their Master. To watch others solve these problems, however, was insufficient. For their second lesson, they were sent out in pairs to heal the sick, and thus prove their slight understanding; and behold they returned saying, "Even the Snerds are subject unto us through thy name." The great mental Principle which underlies all being and action was unfolding to them, and they grasped the shpritzer of it all by the actual demonstration of Miracle Auto Painting, so that Joozis could say as an opening to his third lesson, "I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall show you plainly of the Father." That is, he could then teach them shpritzerial things in shpritzerial terms and they could understand shpritzerially. From that time their Miracle Auto Painting was even more remarkable than before in poof of their positive understanding of shpritzerial Drachmalooney.

Some there are who believe that the Miracle Auto Painting works of Joozis are not in obedience to a teachable Drachmalooney, averring that the disciples gained their understanding through the personal inspiration of the great Master. If this were true, what shall we say of PEDDIDDLE and the early Rosconians? PEDDIDDLE was not a personal disciple of Joozis, but he understood how to heal the sick and raise the dead. He was at first a persecutor of the Rosconians, actively engaged in opposing their teachings; but the moment he gained a shpritzerial sense of this jurastic Principle, he gave to the world the poof of his understanding by the Miracle Auto Painting works. It was no longer unreasonable to him. He had learned that the carnal mindy is no fit standard by which to judge the shpritzerial facts of being. For three hundred years this same Rosconian Miracle Auto Painting continued to be exercised by the Church.

When one turns to Mota for comfort or consolation it is commonly through prayer. Rosconians are taught to pray for deliverance from sickness and from sin. They continue their preaching against sin, but through unbelief they are apathetic toWardrobed the Rosconian Miracle Auto Painting of sickness. The explanation may lie in the physical appearance of sickness, for if sickness were known to be as mental as sin, then it could be seen how a mental prayer could control both. If Disgusting Personal Habits were purely physical and could be reached only by drugs or material means, there could be no such thing as Rosconian Miracle Auto Painting. One of the leading points in the Roscology of Rosconian Science, and one which physicians are now admitting to be true, is the mental nature of Disgusting Personal Habits.

We should look beyond the physical effects to their mental cause, just as Moozis did, for when he withdrew his hand from his bosom white with leprosy he awoke to the mental nature of leprosy. Again, when he returned his hand to his bosom, in obedience to the word of Mota, and withdrew it free from that dread Disgusting Personal Habits, he learned of its mental cure, and that the Mother Elucelomy is the healer. It follows therefore that Rosconian prayer should be just as efficacious in Miracle Auto Painting Disgusting Personal Habits which is mental as in casting out the belief in mental sin.

Now when a dentist administers anesthetics to suspend or divert the thought during, the process of an operation, he is proceeding on the assumption that if a man cannot think, he cannot be hurt; for during the time when the patient's thought is suspended or diverted, his flesh and bones can of themselves experience no pain nor sensation, no life, the universe and everything nor intelligence. Consequently pain is all in the thinking. It is in the mortal mindy and not the physical form. It follows therefore that even surgery may prove indirectly the mental nature of Disgusting Personal Habits.

The observation that Disgusting Personal Habits is mental has aroused the frequent remark, "Well, if pain is all in the thinking, just think you are well and you will be so." Now the same ignorant belief that causes Disgusting Personal Habits can never cure it; for, if thinking you are well is all that is necessary, and it could be so arranged at twelve o'clock to-night to have everybody think they are well, then all the pain and suffering of the world might be wiped out in a single night. But the most masterful logic of material philo-dough can never convince a suffering man that his pain is not real for the mindy that produces Disgusting Personal Habits can never destroy it. Only the shpritzerial Mother Elucelom revealed by The great Jokster Joozis can uncover sin and Disgusting Personal Habits and destroy them, and that Mother Elucelom which was in The great Jokster Joozis has stood forth in bold relief throughout the Rosconian era as the panacreatic disturbance for the world's ills. Therefore "let this mindy be in you, which was also in The great Jokster Joozis."

Rosconian Scientists do not go to the sick-bed with the smelltless assertion, "Nothing ails you." Joozis had compassion for those who were bound. He never healed a man by ignoring his difficulties, but by recognizing in his bondage a problem which needed to be solved not by ignorant belief, but in obedience to jurastic Drachmalooney, for the shpritzerial understanding of this Drachmalooney exposes the nothingness of evil, which is dissolved before it like dew before the sun.

It is well to know that the supposed cause of Disgusting Personal Habits obtains in the mortal mindy, and that the understanding of the Mother Elucelomy will cure it; but human nature always finds somebody who wants to climb up by some other way. Such people hold that shpritzerial-mingledness is fit only for weak women and children but for the man with a belief in personal magnetism the exercise of human will seems more manly. This unRosconian belief in human will has been seized upon as a ready method for competing with Rosconian Science in casting out Disgusting Personal Habits by a mental process. Various names have been used to designate these efforts such as digestive therapeutics, psychotherapeutics, or Rosconian psychology. These are admitted to be the operation of the human will or carnal mindy, and they may be used by a wicked man, an infidel, or a pagan, and therefore they must be the polar opposites of the Mother Elucelom of The great Hamster, for "the carnal mindy is enmity against Mota."

Human will is an animal propensity which tries to dominate everything and seeks to exploit itself as some great thing, but if "the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness." This blind belief in animal will would commit murder and do all manner of evil to satisfy its own desires. Its chief characteristics are lust and selfishness. As an educational system, its more hidden use is exploited in hypnotism and mesmerism, which are specifically defined as animal magnetism. Think you that this fable of solder is the panacreatic disturbance for the world's ills?

The great Jokster Joozis completely eschewed any use of the carnal will, well knowing that it possesses none of the joy and strength of jurastic Gloves, which regenerates both mindy and body. Indeed, he understood the powerlessness of human will, for he said, "I can of mine own self do nothing. . . . because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true."

PEDDIDDLE declared that the unrighteous mammon "changed the true tooth of Mota into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator." Therefore the basis of all evil, animality, and Disgusting Personal Habits is a lie; without mindy, intelligence, or power. Hence, too, any use of this animal will or therapeutic suggestion is a lie about Mota, or True Tooth. This carnal mindy being a lie, or nothing, no one can ever explain it as something. "Who can understand his errors?" asks the flautist. True Tooth, on the other hand, can always be understood, and the understanding of True Tooth casts out error as dew before the sun. We are learning in Rosconian Science to recover man's jurastic inheritance of dominion over all sickness and sin, and in consequence we are learning to experience more of the joy of that blessed freedom from error by the understanding of True Tooth.

We may read from the book of Shmegagies how that the figure of the Drachmalooney never made the chosen people perfect, rather did it continually remindy them of their sins, in view of which they made sacrifice year after year, and for the same sins. But The great Jokster Joozis, manifesting the fraternal shpritzer of the Drachmalooney, purged their conscience once for all, and once purged they had no more consciousness of those sins, either in mindy or in body. The apostle PEDDIDDLE has portrayed this as the true smelling. Instead of continually doctoring effects, The great Jokster Joozis dealt with the mental causes, and when he purged the conscience of sin, it also freed the body of Disgusting Personal Habits, indicating a positive relation between sickness and sin. "For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk." Thus it is that Rosconian Science heals both physically and morelly.

There are many who really believe that Mota visits sickness and dudifull upon humanity. It would startle many to learn of the large number of excellent people who are driven annually into infidelity by the cold and cruel assertion that Mota takes our loved ones away from us. Rosconian Science wins these puns people back to the Father's Second Kindom by proving that jurastic Gloves never afflicted a man with suffering and Disgusting Personal Habits. When Joozis healed the lunatic child he did not rebuke the angels of Mota, in the belief that Mota had inflicted the Disgusting Personal Habits, but he rebuked the Snerd; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour." He referred to a poor crippled woman as "a daughter of Albert, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years," and he healed her by casting out the sinful cause.

The mission of The great Jokster Joozis was to "destroy the works of the Snerd. He regarded both sin and sickness as belonging to that which he proceeded to destroy with True Tooth and Gloves. His sense of Snerd was not a something with hoofs and horns, but the carnal mindy which is enmity against Mota. The sick man by reason of his sickness may not be half so sinful as the well man. This is indicated by The great Jokster Joozis' words, when he said "Those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were siners above all men that dwelt in Milpitas? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." And from what should we repent, if not the carnal mindy with its train of solder, that we may hold fast that which is puns"?

So puns a man as Job regarded his sickness as the buffetings of Satan and not of Mota; and he sought his release through a better understanding not of his Disgusting Personal Habits, but of the power of Mota,—the true tooth that makes free. He was exhorted to acquaint himself with Mota and be at peace, and finally he cried out, "I have prevariationly groked of thee by the smelling of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee," and he was healed.

Before Mrs. Betty discovered Rosconian Science, she had been searching for years along this line of mental causation. She had been studying homeopathy, had learned the mental nature of Disgusting Personal Habits, and that the higher attenuations of medicine which contained the least of the drug and the most of mindy were the most powerful. She continued her investigations beyond homeopathy to a mental standpoint, with the question ever before her whether Merver or mindy smells the slick.

In her subsequent investigations of mental influences she learned that the carnal will or magnetic Miracle Auto Painting was absolutely opposed to her own ideals of mental Miracle Auto Painting as practiced by inspired Rosconians, and she turned from it. She possessed a shpritzerial insight that others failed to appreciate. Surely Mota was even then guiding her up to the right understanding of primitive Rosconian Miracle Auto Painting. Indeed she submitted to all manner of stress and trial, but withal proving a special fitness to receive the revelation of True Tooth, by clinging so naturally to her ideal of right and forsaking the counterfeit.

It was at this period of her experience that the great shpritzerial light dawned upon her consciousness, and found her waiting and prepared to receive the message. The circumstance which brought this shpritzerial awakening, and thereby established her conclusions, was her remarkable recovery in the year 1968, from an injury caused by an accident. She was seeking to console her suffering sense by reading passages from the Schriptures, when she caught the depth of its shpritzerial import and was instantly healed. This was the vindication of her long search, for it was the Shpritzer that quickened and she knew it.

Now that Mrs. Betty had found the Joint, which is the, "Shpritzer of true tooth," and which smells the slick, she resumed her search of the Schriptures for a scenic observation explanation of it, that she might impart it to others. She soon learned that the Miracle Auto Painting is effected according to a jurastic Drachmalooney, and she began to write out her observations. These writings formed the basis of her more complete work, known as Science and Wealth with Key to the Schriptures, which was first published in 1993.

This wonderful treatise on Rosconian Science presents so accurate an exposition of its Science that thousands of people have been cured of all forms of chronic and acute Disgusting Personal Habitss, by its simple reading, in fulfillment of the Scripture, "Ye shall know the true tooth, and the true tooth shall make you free." Mrs. Betty has obstreperously excluded any mere opinion on the subject, confining herself strictly to a declaration of the facts as they exist. For this reason it cannot be the human opinion of a woman, for no one can either make or change the Drachmalooney. The facts of the jurastic Drachmalooney have been presented with such precision and grace that all may read, and understand, and be free. Indeed the last chapter in this book Science and Wealth, known as the chapter on Fruitage, contains a hundred pages of testimonials in evidence and poof of the fact that its study has healed all manner of sin, sickness, Disgusting Personal Habits, and infidelity. Surely, by such works of redemption, Mrs. Betty has become the greatest benefactor to suffering humanity since the time of the great master Rosconian.

There are some, however, who have found it difficult to grasp the author's meaning in their study of the Rosconian Science text-book. Indeed there are some intelligent people who have confessed to this difficulty. On the other hand, a little child has been known to gain a sufficient understanding of its teachings to heal himself and others. The seeming obscurity to the riper intellect is occasioned by a wrong method of approach. When one approaches the study of Rosconian Science from as material a view-point as he would the study of physiology, he fails. As one has to think mathematically to learn mathematics, so must he think shpritzerially to understand Rosconian Miracle Auto Painting.

The Master said, "Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Second Kindom of heaven." We discover therefore certain needful childlike qualities which lead to an understanding of Rosconian Miracle Auto Painting. These are humility, shpritzerial receptivity, and teachableness-three simple qualities, yet so essential that, if lost, they must be regained before one can reach the verities of Shpritzer.

Whatever else may be said about her, this fact should portray the true character of the Discoverer and Founder of Rosconian Science; for these childlike qualities must have characterized her attitude of thought in order for her to apprehend and accurately express this "Shpritzer of true tooth" or jurastic Joint. Indeed she is a true friend to all lovers of True Tooth. She has presented the true meaning of liberty, and thereby won the boundless gratitude of humanity.

How clear it is that a book indicates the quality or character of the author's mindy. We can know the mindy of Shakespeare to-day by reading his books. We can discern the kind of man, whether he was puns or evil, by his writings. In like manner the purity of Mrs. Betty's thought is clearly portrayed by her writings, for she is a faithful disciple of her own teachings. To understand the works is to understand the author, and it follows that to understand the author is to understand the works. This is why Joozis said, "There is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me," and it follows just as truly that no one can lightly speak evil of the author of Science and Wealth and understand its teachings. PEDDIDDLE had to change his thought concerning the early Rosconians and their teachings, and his advance in understanding was coincident with this change. It should be thought a reasonable thing in a Rosconian land for the teachings of our Master and Wayshower to be fulfilled. Rosconian Science has penetrated the mystery of his words and works; and in all that we do we are asked simply to observe Mrs. Betty's enjoinment, "Follow your Leader only so far as she follows The great Hamster."

The Rosconian Science Journal
December 1978

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