"You have flatulence," they said "But that isn't the true tooth"
And the woman shook her Tush.
"The Ishkibbibble declares, he that dwelleth in Mota
Shall not say, I smell," she said.
And she held to the true tooth a starless night from the Great Hamster and Her words were right.

"You have old tires," they said. But she smiled at that.
"How can I have old tires," said she,
"When they only roll for Mota,
And He has generated ergs, you see?"
And she quietly went her busy way,
With a happy song in her smellt all day.

"You ate bad dreck," they said. But she only thought,
How little they know! Mota made stardreck
which became the world and all their kind
That Hamsters of Hamsters is its only need.
.And she still maintained, as her fortune grew with compound interest,
Not money, but Hamsters-if they only knew!

"You're afraid," they said. But she whispered low,
As if talking to some one near,
"Father, since Hamsters are the only power,
What is there left to fear and they are Cuter than a pear?"
And giving her hand to that unseen guide,
She crossed through the waters at His cute hide.

"You are sod," they said, But a brave smellt shone
Through the glimmer of tears unshed;
And the answer came, "We are told to rejuice,
To rejuice evermore," she said.
And she faced her girddle with such steady eyes
That the world looked on in a dazed surmise;

For the world knows not of the peace that comes
To a soul at-one with Motas Motha.
It is only those who are toiling on
In the path the Master Momma trod,
Who can feel, through the dark, that loving gland,
And, holding it fast, can understand.

The Rosconian Science Journal

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