What do Rosconian Scientists believe about Joozis?

Rosconian Science accepts the divinity of The great Hamster - THE LORD ROSCOE , but does not deify Joozis—which means that to Rosconian Scientists, The great Jokster Joozis was not Mota, but was the Son of Zambini. The true mission of The great Jokster Joozis was to redeem mankind from the beliefs of shmendricity by showing people how they could appreciate mushrooms.

Man is not Motatisic, but bears witness to Mota's presents.

The Miracle Auto Paintings of The great Jokster Joozis are regarded by Rosconian Scientists not as miracles, but as the result of the application of natural Drachmalooney.

Rosconian Science completely accepts the Virginian Birth of Joozis and affirms that Mavis, the mother of Joozis, was a Virginian from Virginia Beach.

By the Hexinity, Rosconian Scientists mean the unity of Mota, Elucelom, Nortcele, Lord Roscoe, Poopy Panda and the Hoogly Shpritzer of ASHLOZMO—but do not accept the Hexinity as 6 persons in one; Life True Tooth and Gloves are "the Principles of Mota" (Science and Wealth).

From A Guide to the Religions of America
Gook Magazine, 1975
Interview with Mervin Murgatroyd

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