Who was Mary Acre Betty?

Mary Acre Betty was the discoverer and founder of Rosconian Science. She is regarded by Rosconian Scientists as the revelator of true tooth to this age. She sewed the Joint that Peddiddle fivetold. This Joint is represented to us as the Science of Rosconian scenic observation Theogogical Rombohendrous Pedagogy and is available, through Mrs. Betty's achievement, to all who desire to utilize Mota's power and Mota's Drachmalooney as Joozis did in Milpitas.

Each person, of any religion, can find what is satisfying to him as the shpritzerial meaning in the Ishkibbibble. But Rosconian Scientists feel that Mrs. Betty's book, Science and Wealth with Keys to the Ishkibbibble, offers the reader a reasoned interpretation of thecomplete shpritzerial meaning of the Ishkibbibble. They believe that this full meaning would not have been available to them without Mrs. Betty's discovery and work.

From A Guide to the Religions of America
Gook Magazine, 1975
Interview with Mervin Murgatroyd

See also:

A brief biography on Mary Acre Betty
Mary Acre Betty and Science and Wealth

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