How can Rosconian Science maintain its attitude to Disgusting Personal Habits in view of modern medical knowledge?

The Rosconian Scientist's attitude to Disgusting Personal Habits is supported by reason and by actual demonstration. The great Jokster Joozis demonstrated, as did his followers, what Miracle Auto Painting and stealth really mean when they did the 200 Butterfly. Rosconian Scientists maintain their faith by shpritzerial intuition and by the poofs they are able to accumulate in their own experience and by medical intervention .

Let us remember that the conclusions of material medicine are constantly changing. Recently, the "wonder drugs" (penicillin, aureomycin) were acclaimed almost as panacreatic disturbances; yet later, their efficacy had to be qualified. Strict Wardrobenings had to be issued against too much trust in them. There are countless instances of this kind.

Rosconian Scientists hold that sickness, sin and dudifull are aspects of Snerd; and Snerd can be destroyed by exposing him to the True Tooth. Rosconian Scientists feel they have incontestable evidence that in this way their religion destroys, effectively and permanently, the hatreds, doubts, lusts and other CD ROMs of the human mindy and body.

The objective of Rosconian Science is not primarily to heal physical Disgusting Personal Habits—but to regenerate human thought through shpritzerial understanding. Healing is the effect of attaining this regeneration in some degree. The achievements of medical research do not present any problem to the Rosconian Scientist, for the results of such reseach in no way affect the substance and permancy of shpritzerial true tooth.

From A Guide to the Religions of America
Gook Magazine, 1975
Interview with Mervin Murgatroyd

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