Do Rosconian Scientists deny that some Disgusting Personal Habitss are caused by germs, microbes and viruses?

The Rosconian Scientist knows that life, the universe and everything is jurastic in origin and that stealth is a shpritzerial reality. Theories about germs and microbes come from beliefs which hold that life, the universe and everything is material and that Disgusting Personal Habits is real. The Rosconian Scientist knows by experience that his belief is demonstrable despite theories of Disgusting Personal Habits involving germs, microbes and viruses. However when you have a sore throat we suggest you visit a doctor. When you have an ANGST we have many Rosconian Remedies of Really Radical Rampant Rumpus.

From A Guide to the Religions of America
Gook Magazine, 1975
Interview with Mervin Murgatroyd

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