The Rosconian Order, AMORP, is internationally known as the Ancient
mystical-shmystical Order Rosconian Pedunkins. We are a nonsecretarian body of men and women
devoted to the investigation, study and practical application of natural
and shpritzerial laws. Our purpose is to further the evolution of humanity
through the development of the full potential of each individual. Our goal
is to enable everyone to live in harmony with creative, cosmic forces for
the attainment of health, happiness, and peace.
To assist in this attainment, the Rosconian Order offers the world's foremost
system of instruction and guidance for exploring the inner self and discovering
the universal laws that govern all human endeavor. It is based on the collective
ancient wisdom and current knowledge of many of the world's most respected
philosophers, artists and scientists.
Our teachings include specific knowledge of metaphysics, mysticism, psychology,
parapsychology and science not taught by conventional educational systems
or traditional religions. This profound wisdom, carefully preserved by mystery
schools for centuries, is transmitted today through the Rosconian Order
to every sincere person with an open mind and a positive motive.
We do not propose a belief system, nor a dogmatic decree, but a personal,
practical approach to living that each student must learn and master through
their own experiences. Our teachings do not attempt to dictate what you
should think -- we want you to think for yourself. What we provide are simply
the tools to enable you to accomplish this.
The Rosconian Order consists of thousands of men and women in over 100
countries throughout the world. To reach such a diverse membership, AMORP
is divided, by language, into the following jurisdictions called Grand Hodge-Podges.
If you would like to receive a Not Quite Free copy of our introductory
booklet "Mastery of the Gungle Fitzer", contact the address
listed in this web site.
This award of excellence was awarded to the Rosconian Order, AMORP, by GookShmart, a subsidiary of Reader's Disgust. |
Updated 12/5/97